I adhore military toys. God Bless our incredibly brave soldiers that sacrifice for our country on a daily basis, but I personally am not a war-reinactment, and weapons person when it comes to children’s toys. But alas, it was the one thing he would not let up on… So, in with the new ridiculously large plane, out with some outgrown stuff that I never cared for.
In our shoe-box house, when the kids birthdays and holidays roll around, I like to purge toys. I did a purge in March of all our “baby toys” since the younger son turned three. Now I am faced with purge #2. But this time it’s a little bit harder to purge big-kid toys because, well, the little one could still “grow into” them. But that’s not the biggest problem I have. The #1 problem with getting rid of kids stuff is their damn memories.
Does this happen in your family? You go through bins, baskets, drawers and boxes and get rid of a bunch of useless crap and things you know for certain the children have never played with or haven’t touched in months, maybe years. “Ahhhhh, Halleluea! It’s time to PURGE!” It all goes to Goodwill or in the trash. Then, this conversation happens…
“Mommmmmmmmy! I can’t find that thing!!!”
“Uhhhh, okay? Which thing are you talking about? Can you describe what you are searching for?”
“You know, that white thing with the thing that’s this big, You KNOW!!! That thing!”
(And you, being a mom, and whom is the only person on the planet that understands your child’s non-sensical kid-speak through crafty deduction and careful attention to daily details…)
“Ohhh, you mean that tiny white Minecraft rabbit figureine with the red eyes that creeped me out and you never looked at or played with since the day you dug it out of the sand at Veteran’s Park 6 months ago? Yea… I got rid of that. Yesterday…” (FRICK!)
“Noooooooo mamma! (Sob) Oh no… I really liked that bunny. Why’d you throw it away?”
“Ugh.” (Really kid? You’re killing me.)
Why does this happen? It makes the feel good part of purging turn into insta-heartbreak.
How do they even remember those tiny bits and bobs? Damn kid brains. And why is it always the day AFTER you get rid of something and the trash truck has already come and gone that their incredible memories kick in? Like a damn radar, they desperately need that very particular item like it’s a polio vaccine?
I am at a loss. I like clutter-free. My hands touch a very limited number of “things” on a daily basis and I don’t need the clutter! But children are a different beast are they not? They need variety and their little hands and minds require so much… shit. Anyone out there feel me? How do you purge the unpurgeable? Comments and suggestions needed.
Today, I say, continue to purge away… It’s your house. You control what’s in it???