We submitted our building set to the Building Department last week. I filled out the form, my husband cut a check for a few thousand, and it passed from my hands, into the hands of a City personnel. Easy-Peasey.
But, “No turning back now.”
It felt both nerve wracking and relieving at the same time when all was said and done. I can’t quite put my finger on the exact reason why I felt so nervous. Maybe because we toiled over the design for so long? Perhaps because in a way, I feel the plan checker will be judging the decisions we made? I don’t know. Probably a combination of many reasons. Bottom line, it’s in their hands and what get’s approved will be what we build.
I’m hoping for a fairly quick turn around for the 1st round of corrections. We were told that it has been taking about a month. 3 to 4 weeks. I feel I can kind of forget about it for a while and stop obsessing about it during this time of waiting. I can center my heart and mind before delving back into this un-built house of ours once the corrections come back. The future is uncertain, but optimistic and bright. I’m going to keep dreaming but first, I’m going to enjoy our family vacation without worrying about the unknown.